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Acacia stenophylla


Shoe String Acacia

Available in 64 count trays

Form: Strongly vertical, weeping, open, airy, variable in shape from strongly upright to spreading, glaucous
Seasonality: Evergreen Tree
Size: Vigorous, upright when young to spreading with age, to 40’
Leaves: Gray 16” long linear phyllodes (modified petioles that look like and function like leaves) contrast well with maroon colored twigs and young stems
Flowers: 1/2” small, cream-yellow puff-ball flowers originate from axillary meristems in November to January
Fruit: a long “chain” pod to 8”, constricted between seeds
Stems/Trunks: trunk smooth when young changing to roughened dark gray to brown age, fine texture
Range/Origin: Originates along river channels in Queensland
Hardiness: USDA 9-11

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